Prayer Circle

I’m not saying I will beg the Father on your behalf. He already loves you. When I intercede I will be lifting you into his lap for blessing, or, hearing from the Spirit, we will be conversing about how much you’ve grown and how to grow you next, or I will be offering, as always,myContinue reading “Prayer Circle”

The Spirit Presents My Case

I know how you could work this out, Lord— bringing some particular pressure to bear, inserting in their mind this realization, convicting them of sin and errors. But you have not been taking my advice! My hours in prayer, my carefully concocted plots, have seemed to come to nothing, just so much dust in lightContinue reading “The Spirit Presents My Case”

Like Windsocks

Breath of God, caressing my soul with silk much lighter than air, fluid, warm from your mouth… Breeze of God, animating, stimulating growth and action, whipping up joy in the morning… Wind of God, blowing strongly out of Eden! Trees and humans bow before you, praising you… Gale-force winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, wrath of God?? HisContinue reading “Like Windsocks”